The ongoing fiasco in Kentucky, where Rowan County clerk, Kim Davis continues to defy court orders is somewhat interesting. In the end, she isn’t very likely to succeed (and most likely will be very harmed at least financially if not in other ways), but that point raises the question, why is she fighting so relentlessly?

One suggestion, is that she isn’t the driving force here at all, but rather, her lawyers, the Liberty Counsel, a far right pro-religious group. It stands to reason, Liberty is using the case to fundraise. These types of storylines play so well to rake in the cash. But I think there are two other ideas that I haven’t seen anyone really mention yet.

The liability Davis faces is serious. Fines, possible jail time and even being removed from her elected position.

Before I continue, can I let everyone know that I saw this (or something like this) coming? One of the biggest anti-LGBT guys, Rick Santorum claimed that marriage equality was the hill upon which he would die. This is a battle that the Far Right religious feel they must fight and must win, and they are willing to try and do that at all cost. We might think that Davis’s actions are ludicrous, but they are simply common sense for those who place their so-called Faith as above all else. These are the warriors for their so-called Faith who want to see America become a theocracy. I don’t doubt Davis’s sincerity. I think she honestly believes what she is doing is the only right and righteous thing to do. But her convictions are based on shoddy and hypocritical theology, that doesn’t stand up as real or meaningful theology.

Two Reasons:

The first is the most reasonable explanation for Davis’s actions. She, and the Liberty Counsel are looking for a picture opportunity.

You know those horrid posters of bloody fetuses that anti-abortionists carry? The photos on them have nothing to do with real abortion practices. They are designed to be inflammatory and cause a knee-jerk gut response. They are used to bull doze over fact, reason, and the law to push anti-abortion sentiment. Davis and the Liberty Counsel is looking for just such an image to be used surrounding the anti-LGBT fight. They want Davis to end up in jail. Imagine the photos of the victim Christian ‘behind bars for her Christianity.’ [Fade in sad violin music]

The abortion battle isn’t really about abortion at the root of it. It is about denying women access and agency to make choices about their reproductive health. The anti-abortion folks believe women should carry all pregnancies, regardless of how they occurred. The fight is about forcing women into a specific role as child bearer, no matter if she wants it or not.

Likewise, the battle over marriage equality, isn’t about marriage really. It is about accepting that sexual norms include more than heterosexuality and rigid gender roles. The anti-marriage equality groups need images and stories to bull doze over fact, reason and the law. The Kim Davis story fits in there.

The second reason is far more miserable and embarrassing than that. Kim Davis has been in the clerks office for ever, first working under her mother before being elected herself. Now, her son works for her. This is a clerk’s that doesn’t operate based on constitutionality, but an office which believes one’s personal faith beliefs are more important than justice. This is white privilege, Christian privilege, and the way things work in the old South. Davis is a little like the sheriff of Dodge who makes the law rather than abides and works within the law. No bigger ulterior motives than to maintain her own power.

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