Post Tagged with: "LGBT Rights"

Does the PA Governor’s Race Matter for LGBTQ Rights?

Does the PA Governor’s Race Matter for LGBTQ Rights?

Voters to see LGBTQ Rights issues and other progressive issues as all connected. We need to move the state in a progressive direction for everyone’s advantage and improve life for everyone.

October 27, 2014 Comments are Disabled Activism, Election, general

Will the LGBT Activist Community Stop Fighting Long Enough to Have Some Success?

Real equality is for all people, and that will include those who seek to be married as well as those who do not. Focusing only on the right to marry misses the real issue, which is creating an environment where all persons are treated fairly, with dignity, and have the same rights and freedoms.

January 30, 2011 2 comments general

Progressives and the Midterm Election

This is for everyone who claims to care about progressive issues. Telling the Dems to go F*#k themselves will do nothing to move LGBT issues further. Here is what will move LGBT issues further.

September 30, 2010 Comments are Disabled Activism, general

Who Is The Enemy for LGBT Rights?

It may be the wrong time to tell gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender folks that the hard work isn’t over. They may not be thrilled to hear that if we are to achieve Equality, we all must double down our efforts, and work in more direct ways by getting engaged in the legislative process.

September 29, 2010 2 comments general