Post Tagged with: "Book Club"

Book Forward: Activist Book Club

Book Forward: Activist Book Club

I don’t know why we know so little about the great work that groups like ACT UP did, and perhaps this book will illuminate this, but too soon for me to tell, having only completed the Forward. Do we not know, because no one thought it important enough to document and pass along/teach? Do we not know, because the larger culture is stil uncomfortable with a very queer movement, and the stigma of AIDS still creates a blockage to adequate discourse?

January 3, 2012 3 comments Activism, Book Club, general
Activist Book Club: Readers Welcome!

Activist Book Club: Readers Welcome!

Especially as I sit in QUILTBAG meetings, I realize that this younger generation of activists have all the right motivations and passion, but in many ways are re-inventing the wheel all over, sometimes spinning their wheels. Got me wondering if there were any great boks out there to help articulate the lessons learned from ACT UP or other grass roots movements.

January 1, 2012 Comments are Disabled Activism, general