Gay marriage on NH agenda


  1. I know people have such extreme views of this topic. I don’t get. Marriage is about love, honor, commitment, respect, and those legal things that become so important if you do lose someone you love. With all going on the world, why such a fight against people who want to share their lives? Having spousal benefits makes perfect sense. I’m not gay. I definitely relate to being treated differently because of something out of my control. I’m so Will & Grace. lol

    • Thx for the comment! On one level, it makes no sense. On another, the conservative religious right see a need to control “the family unit” for whatever reason. Maybe because their idea of God ( Father, son… virgin pure mother) is threatened if the family model is threatened? Same holds true for abortion issue. Why does the far right to remove a woman’s right to make choices over her own body? If they really wanted to stop abortion, why not support educational programs, use of contraception, valuing women, creating opportunities for women- these things can lead to lower abortion rates.

      But I think the tide will turn. When our new president elect was being born, the marriage of his parents would have been illegal in 13 states! The subordination of women, slavery, mixed race marriages- all these where opposed using religious/biblical arguments.