The linked article is about the Iowa Republican party and their upcoming primary election, but the base issues discussed are generally true, no matter what state you are talking about. It may seem tempting to sit back, and as one long time Democrat put it to me, watch the GOP implode, but I’m not so sure that 1) that is what is going to happen, or 2) even with implosion, it won’t spell hardship for LGBT issues.

To outsiders, the three Republican nominees, including Rep. Rod Roberts of Carroll, might seem pretty much the same. They want to shrink government and its spending. They would sign legislation to limit abortions, and they speak against same-sex marriage.

This is Iowa we are talking about here, where same-sex marriage has been legal for a while, and it still functions to bring hate together. TheLGBTQ community has no battle that is won and then done. Big wins or small, constant vigilance and work is needed or we will see our basic civil rights gains whittled away.

Here in Pennsylvania, it may appear as if the far-far right has lost to the far-right given the huge lead Corbett had over his competitor, but now some pundits are using that huge lead to suggest that a Corbett win in November is inevitable because (of course) all of the independents will vote for Corbett. This would be disastrous for any progressive cause like Women’s Rights or LGBT Rights issues.  Many Dems may take a wait and see approach, and think the Republicans will do themselves in, but I think things are far too risky to take that course or action (or inaction).

Where the soul of the Republican party is, is a less valuable question for any progressive. For us, the important question is how are we going to energize our base as well as moderates, to stop Corbett from placing us back in the dark ages.

via Who will win battle for GOP soul? | | The Des Moines Register.

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