Is there a possibility that suppressing a person’s naturally occurring sexuality enables them to be more successful? Maybe so. Most interesting to me about this story: the anti-gay folks have always used Forster’s life and other examples to show why being gay is so horrible. When in reality, what his story says is somewhat the opposite. Prior to his acceptance of his sexuality there was an abundance of energy that grew from the tension of failing to come to terms with his sexuality. A sexual energy was exuding from his every word as he wrote. Once he came to terms with his sexuality, he felt more fulfilled, and that lack of pent up energy didn’t translate into long novels.

Wendy Moffat, associate professor of English at Dickinson College, Pennsylvania, who uncovered Forster’s secret “sex diary” while researching a new biography of the novelist, said that the energy of his early years was drained by physical fulfillment.

A number of years ago, I came to a realization that as a photographic artist, I used my camera as a tool to stay out of the world around me. It was almost a shield that protected me from real engagement. I was always looking at the world rather than living in it. After I stepped out of that protected place and began to really live, I was much happier, but my artwork suffered. I’ve never regretting the change for me.

via EM Forster ‘turned against novels after losing his virginity’ – Telegraph.

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