Either The Religious Battle is Bigger than LGBT, or Look at just how far the Far Right is wiling to go to be anti-gay!
From the first days of the battles in Wisconsin, it was clear that Governor Scott Walker’s was all about breaking the Democratic party which relies heavily on Union support. But why is this becoming such a Holy Battle, with the Far Right Religious zealots getting into the act in a big way? Now, no pretense can remain- this is not about small government, or corporate interests, or keeping taxes in the hands of the people. This is all about stopping the party which the Far Right sees as too progressive and harming to their arcane conservative moral agenda. And that moral agenda includes-nay- some would say revolves around doing anything it can ti kill the possibility of equal rights for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Trans persons.
The FRC’s anti-labor campaign in Wisconsin is part of its larger agenda to meld fiscal conservatism with its family-values message. Its recent priorities have included fighting health care reform, new taxes on the wealthy, and President Obama’s budget proposals. In recent weeks, Perkins has used his radio show to hash through small-government talking points with House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), Tea Party caucus head Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), and Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), who told him, “The bigger government gets, the smaller God gets.”
The fallacy here lies in the fact that government doesn’t grow under liberal or progressive leadership, and shrink under conservative leadership. The greatest growth of the Federal Government can be lined to Reagan and Bush. But Demint’s comment is not meant to be accurate, rather it is designed to set in place a conflict between Democracy and Religion. It is Government oct God! Which should you choose?
To be fair, the Far Right isn’t only concerned about LGBT issues. Women’s right to reproductive health is also a high priority. But the underlying message is one that tries to destroy the separation of Church and State and place God as more important than the Constitution.
I get so tired of those activists who are single issue enthusiasts. Those who are so angry with Obama because he hasn’t done enough for the LGBT movement. Wake up and smell the coffee! The Conservatives (a real collective of disparate groups that range from the Far Right Religious groups to the Tea Party ad Libertarians and everyone in between is doing everything it can to turn back the clock to the Dark Ages. In that scenario, whether or not the President supports same-sex marriage is really a bit beside the point.
I’m not suggesting that we stop fighting for LGBT Equality, nor am I suggesting that we shouldn’t hold our elected officials accountable for the things they have said they would do. But we need to open our eyes- everyone on the progressive side of things and recognize just what we are up against, and then work together to combat it. A president whose ideas on gay marriage are evolving isn’t the real enemy. Those who seek to make God bigger- that’s the real enemy here.