I saw this on David Mixner’s site , and I sit amazed every time I watch the video. My partner Brad, cried as he watched it. On the one hand, it is a simple, “feel good” story and worth promoting for that alone. We see so many challenging and bothering stories, one that makes us smile or better is a good thing. But there is another side to this video important to point out. After you watch the couple, and enjoy the dancing, pay attention to the audience. The level of enthusiasm and support for these men is amazing and it is, in my opinion, the real message of the video.
They are not just applauding these dancers, although they did a great job performing, but rather they were demonstrating zealous approval and affirmation of this couple. It is their relationship, and their willingness to display the genuineness of their love and their intimacy- that is what the audience is behind.
When we, lesbian, gay, bi and trans persons begin to be ourselves and display our genuineness- the realness of our lives, we find those who believe in our right to equality. Not only do we find them, but we remind them to stand up as support us for all the right reasons. When we are out, and proud, and loud (even in quiet ways) we help level the paying field by marginalizing the real haters.
See the folks who oppose our equal rights are loud, well funded and organized, but they are small in number. There are many many who might vote against our rights because they hear the lies and misinformation, but all it really takes is shining light against the lies, and these folks become our supporters. Men like these beautiful dancers , through their genuine willingness to be themselves educate the masses and increase the ranks of those who stand with us and see why we deserve full equality.