Comic Writer Grant Morrison Says Concept Of Superhero Character (Batman) Is ‘Sexually Deviant.’ This was at HuffingtonPost Gay Voices, but what does this really mean? My take on it is that it is all marketing bull shit given that it was from an interview in Playboy Magazine.

“Gayness is built into Batman. I’m not using gay in the pejorative sense, but Batman is very, very gay. There’s just no denying it. Obviously as a fictional character he’s intended to be heterosexual, but the basis of the whole concept is utterly gay.”

But what the heck does this really mean?  As evocative as it sounds- and I’m far from the only queer youth who fantasized about Batman- does this really say anything? I’m gay, and I know what that means, but my experience doesn’t mesh too well with:

Obviously as a fictional character he’s intended to be heterosexual, but the basis of the whole concept is utterly gay

Maybe it just isn’t that obvious to me, or is he simply saying that of course, Batman just like most movie stars, politicians, athletes, and whatever, need to look straight to receive social acceptance, when secretly, underneath al of that status quo hetero-normativity, everyone secretly revels in the gayness.

Perhaps, I’m just put off with “Gay” being used as a concept. Isn’t that one more way to dehumanize the reality of our shared queer lives? We aren’t really in love with members of our own sex, we are just concepts, right?

What do you think about the gayness of Batman?

via Batman Is Gay: Comic Writer Grant Morrison Says Concept Of Superhero Character Is ‘Sexually Deviant’.

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  1. Mike Birdhouse says:

    I don’t think Batman is gay… Saying that he’s gay just because he and Dick lived together, slept in the same bed, etc… in the comics written in the 1940s or 50s is seriously wrong. I’ve always believed that, that it had more to do with how they wanted to portray their relationship to the readers, especially the young readers who lived in that time… Maybe it was all different back then. Pick up a comic book today and point out where you see any hint of Batman’s gayness… I’d like to know…

    Sorry Thomas, raincheck on that coffee, okay 😀