Most people refer to either the LGBT or LGBTQ community, however some folks add a bunch of other letters as well to be fully inclusive. While some might argue if “questioning” or “asexual” should be explicitly listed, one group that has been a part of the rainbow coalition for a long time has also been a silent part, and may not be silent any more. The “B” for Bisexual, is gaining a larger voice within the whole of the LGBTQ community.

For the first time, a meeting of leaders from local, regional and national bisexual organizations convened at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s 25th annual LGBT conference, Creating Change. The Bisexual Leadership Roundtable (BLR) was organized and facilitated by BiNet USA and the Bisexual Resource Center, and was attended by leaders from several bi groups across the country. BLR attendees worked to establish strategies for addressing the disparities in advocacy for bi people, and set up working groups to focus on segments of organizing, such as political outreach and fundraising plans

Of the five groups, gays (G), lesbians (L), bi, (B), trans (T), and queer (Q), only, L,G, and B describe sexual orientation, and of these, the B’s are perhaps the least understood, and most misrepresented. We can find examples of the other orientations in TV, films and popular culture,but not bisexuals. As the movement for Same-Sex Marriage grows, and it is a dynamic, and organic movement for this element of equality, the whole of the community will need to revisit, and revision what real equality for all looks like, and the inclusion of all parts of the community will be needed for that.




  1. There are also the pansexuals. This probably describes much of the human experience better than the other labels. Some of them use the rather snarky self-descriptive line: “Anything that moves.”

    • Thanks for the comment! I have a gay friend who keeps looking for a boyfriend. I ask him, ” what type of guy are you looking for”? He replied, “one with a pulse “