Archive for March, 2013

Why is the Pittsburgh Mayoral Race Opening Up?

Why is the Pittsburgh Mayoral Race Opening Up?

Watching this race and considering the candidates is important. Those of us who call Pittsburgh Home, and want it to grow and thrive must recognize how the selection of the next Mayor is critical. Let’s all do our homework, and be smart voters at the Primary.

March 9, 2013 3 comments general
The Far Right Extreme and Criminality

The Far Right Extreme and Criminality

The best defense against these extremist zealots, is to continue to broaden cultural support for acceptance of all LGBT persons. The more acceptance and respect are the cultural norm, then the more the extremists are at the fringe and less comfortable acting out in illegal and dangerous ways.

March 9, 2013 Comments are Disabled Activism, American Theocracy: Analyzing the Religious Right, general
Anti-gay zeal creates criminals: VA Pastor sentenced for aiding in kidnapping.

Anti-gay zeal creates criminals: VA Pastor sentenced for aiding in kidnapping.

But the Religious Fundamentalists are not a joke, and the LGBTQ community needs to consider seriously what their opposition may mean for us. It should not slow us down as we seek full equality, but we recognize the lengths they will go to to stop us from having fairness and equality.

Keeping our eyes on full equality.

Keeping our eyes on full equality.

We are not talking about legislative developments here. We are talking about a specific court case: Hollingsworth v. Perry. This case came out of the District Appeal, with a very narrow scope. Correct me if I am wrong, but there really isn’t anyway that the Supreme Court could decide Hollingsworth v. Perry such that it affected the entire nation.

March 5, 2013 Comments are Disabled general, Same-Sex Marriage

David da Silva Cornell’s Comment

Blogger’s note: David posted this comment on Facebook as part of a thread to my blog post re: GetEqual’s press release concerning The Obama Administration’s brief in the Prop 8 case before the Supreme Court. Some others have commented directly on the original blog post. I thought David added lots of great stuff to the dialogue and I wanted to bring it out front, and also comment on it.  So posting David’s comment here as[Read More…]

March 4, 2013 Comments are Disabled general
Polarized United States

Polarized United States

It is easy to say that everyone should be treated Equally! But how does that play out? What does it look like and getting from where we are to that point- those are the important things to be talking about.

March 3, 2013 Comments are Disabled Activism, general
GetEqual Doesn’t Get It.

GetEqual Doesn’t Get It.

GetEqual just doesn’t get it, if you ask me. They need to get a clue on their way to Getting Equal. It isn’t that they are wrong in theory. Yes, everyone deserves to be protected from discrimination. But few with any experience in reality, would expect creating public policy by one Supreme Court decision to the plausible step to that end.

March 3, 2013 17 comments general, Same-Sex Marriage