October 11th is National Coming Out Day, a day usually considered as a day for gay, lesbian, bi, trans and queer people to come out. Coming out isn’t a one-time type of thing. Most of us have experienced that coming out is an ongoing process, so the idea of devoting one day to it may seem odd. But it isn’t.

NCOD draws attention to the danger and damage done by being in the closet, and the freedom and liberation that can be experienced by putting an end to the isolation, shame and difficulty of living a compartmentalized life hiding a part of yourself. Why stay in the closet? Here are some reasons:


That said, I want to suggest that there is something more important than coming out. Or rather, after you are out, then what can you do? Don’t simply come out! Rather Come out for Equality, Fairness and Freedom. Come out for celebrating and respecting diversity!

Come out for

Everyone including straight allies can come out for these things. And when we as a culture recognize the sameness of everyone- how everyone deserves equality, fairness, and respect- we will put to rest homophobia and the other forces that separate and marginalize people.

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