I have written some about the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) but tend to ignore them mostly. However, I was intrigued by their email claiming that this year’s March for Marriage had been a success. What was intriguing for me was the image used as the email header:


It isn’t really news to anyone that NOM’s efforts have been religiously based from the beginning, yet, none of their literature or agenda has been so straightforward in demonstrating it until now. It is all about God’s Marriage! Forget the fact that God’s Word, the Holy Bible promotes polygamy, God’s marriage for these folks is about one man and one woman. Simple math!

Maybe someone who has followed NOM, more closely than I will disagree, but up to this point, NOM has tried to paint themselves as more secular. Look at their web site. It looks all American in color and style, not religious at all.

The US Constitution promises us a separation of Church and State. No matter how much some Christians want to force their views onto everyone, we are protected, and that demonstrates just how desperate their campaign has become.

By any tally, this year’s march was smaller than last year’s. Despite the rhetoric and emotionally charged speeches, as a movement, they have no where to go. They will keep milking the American people for money but their efforts will be fruitless.

What I wonder now, is what will this new public religiosity do for the organization? Will it leave them more associated with groups like Westboro Baptist Church, or will we come to find out it was organized religion funding them all along? Time will tell.

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