The next production at Pittsburgh Public Theater is a hilarious comedy that you don’t want to miss. I’ve read the script, and this week, I had a chance to sit down with the very handsome, smart, and funny Tom Lenk, who stars in Buyer and Cellar. Some of you may know Tom from his appearances on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and he has a long resume and the comedic chops needed to take on this exciting show. Few shows produced in Pittsburgh have a story line that seems so tailored to a gay audience while at the same time, having laughs galore for anyone who sees it. Want to know more about that gay icon Barbra Streisand? Below are some snips of my interview with Tom, and then reserve your seats today!

What drew you to buyers and Cellar?
Don Stevenson asked him. Tom had worked with him on Broadway, and he believed they would work beautifully together, and since it is a one-person show, the relationship with the director is very important. “Don has such a great way with comedy.”
Is it hard to do a one person show?
This isn’t really like a one-man show, even if there is only one actor playing six or seven characters. The goal is for the audience to forget there is one person, and really see a full cast. It is challenging and tons of fun.
Are there ways you are like Alex?
I did work at Disney for a brief moment in time, but I got fired.
How do you feel about giving voice to Barbra?
I wasn’t that big into Barbra– a super fan or anything– but I’ve had a great time learning more about her. And the book! The play is based on a real book she wrote. I’ve grown a real affection for her. I love making fun of her! I don’t think you can do comedy about someone if you don’t enjoy and appreciate them. I think the audience will get lost in it and see Barbra on strange.
Why is Barbra a gay icon?
Because gays have good taste.
Tell me about Alex’s relationship with Barry.
Barry and Alex have this yin and yang thing going on. That’s part of what makes them such a good couple.
Is this a gay play?
Yes and no. It’s a great story about all sorts of characters including gay characters. This isn’t a coming out story with lots of pathos. Alex is just gay. There it is, in a fully formed story. This story has something for every audience member regardless.