PittPharmacy students track patient interactions over the course of their four years of PharmD training. A tool was developed by a faculty member and some students for capturing this information into a cloud-based survey tool, however, there was no simple way for each student to retrieve their own data in a user-friendly report. In fact the only data export available, required enormous staff time, especially when considering there are about 450 PharmD students. Students are required to submit reports multiple times a year, depending upon which professional year they are in. Reports maybe for rotation periods, semesters, or professional years.
Use Case: Create web-based tool that allows students retrieve their Pittforms data at any time throughout their PharmD career, and receive via email, a PDF report in a standardized format.
The Pitt Forms Reporting database has two main functions: 1) It automatically retrieves student-entered data from Qualtrics via a REST API call and stores this data in a database. Because students may enter data into Qualtrics at anytime, the database retrieves data every 15minutes. Note, this retrieval could happen at any interval, however, every 15 minutes seems to utilize computer resources in optimally. 2) Students may generate report, selecting the start and end dates for the report in their request. The database is queried, a report generated, and a PDF of that is emailed the students within a few minutes of their request.
In the school year, 2020-2021, approximately 24,000 Pitt Forms were submitted and retrieved by the database, and about 1500 reports were generated.
Data structure:

Report Request Interface: