I know that the stereotype is that lesbians all love football, and gay men don’t know a football from a soccer ball, but in reality, many gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender folks love the sport. I am not one of them, but I have on a few (very few) occasions enjoyed watching the game. But this year’s Super Bowl is different. I think every “not straight” person out there needs to care about the Super Bowl for two reasons. The first, is an advertising and homophobia angle, and the second is described further in the linked story below, from Joe.My.God
Homophobia and Advertising
The station has chosen to accept an ad from the Focus on the Family crazies, yet has chosen to reject an ad that would be pro-gay. On the one hand, that is enough to make me say, boycott the show, but in reality, that wouldn’t help anyone. More important is to keep voicing opposition to the showing of the Focus ad. The National Organization for Women have a call to action- a way to protest CBS. Here’s how:
Support Scott Fujita
But my favorite part of this story is Scott Fujita. Fujita has been supportive of gay and lesbian rights in a way that few Pro athletes dare to be, and he is gettibg some flack for it
Joe. My. God.: A Reason To Care About The Super Bowl.
Respecting Women
Planned Parenthood has a response video that I think is really good too:
The conservative movement, especially the far radical right is working to take back advances made in civil rights on every level, and they are doing it using whatever means possible. But any of us who value liberty, free speech, and equality for all, must be willing to push back and not accept the misinformation, lies and manipulation, anywhere and everywhere it shows itself.