There have been two “main” LGBT issues in the spotlight at the federal level, both of which are extremely important. ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, is supposedly moving closer and closer to mark-up and a vote, but the other issue is being displayed in a multitude of ways. As many call for the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT, the word is that the Obama administration is working behind the scenes to stop any movement on it until next year.

Supporters of DADT claim that the current policy is working as it should, while others argue that to repeal it would harm troop cohesion. Neither of these charges really hold up when placed under scrutiny, and the linked story illustrates the failings of the current policy painfully.

Even with this vigilance, I was found out by some male “friends” at my first duty assignment.  I was just 19 years old.  The deal was simple: Perform sexual favors and my secret was safe.

It is well known that when you expect people to hide something simply to do their job, that it is an open invitation for blackmail, and that is exactly what is happening for many in the military. But there is another side of this I want to point out. It may simply be the military overall, or the way that a male-dominated environment changes the dynamics, but I wonder how it is, that those who support DADT can do so knowing that because of it, women and men are placed in danger, and are treated so inhumanely by others? This woman was forced to perform sexual acts so that her abusers would not expose that she was a lesbian. There is no part of this which is acceptable in any way, shape or form. If, this is an example of troop cohesion, then by all means, we ned to be actively destroying it!

The current “worry” about how straight men in the military will feel if they have to work with open homosexuals, is exactly the type of male-dominated heterosexism that also leads to the mistreatment of women.

The solution really is simple. Repeal DADT, and demand that all military personnel treat all others in a professional manner at all times with a zero tolerance for abuse, or other mistreatment.

Please read the attached story. It is heart-breaking and painful, however it is for each of us to bear witness to this abuse, and then demand an end to the policies that allow it.

via Soldier Raped Because of DADT : : PRIDE In Utah.


  1. Thanks for your comment! Yes, I didn't make it clear enough that people need to call their elected officials in Washington and demand a repeal of DADT. It could be attached to this year's appropriations bill which is the way DADT was added in the first place.

  2. hillsideslide says:

    thx for posting. what an awful story…. lived out more than once, I'm sure. I posted the story on my facebook and reminded people to call their House Rep today and tell them to repeal DADT.