There are some who don’t agree with me, but I think basic nondiscrimination protections in housing, employment, and public accommodations is the cornerstone for full LGBT Equality. Without these protections, the rest is almost meaningless. For example, the right to marry. Why refused people get a marriage license, if they could be fired or refused housing because of being gay? This is nit to say that marriage rights are less important. Only that without the right to work, and live happily,it may not benefit anyone. Does that make sense? I have never heard a person speak out for Marriage Equality who didn’t already live in a place with basic protections against discrimination. And while we aren’t getting very far on a state level, some communities across Pennsylvania and stepping up to create the type of environment needed for further progress for LGBT’s.

The Doylestown Borough Council gave its resounding support to the LGBT community this week when it unanimously voted in favor of including sexual orientation and gender identity in the borough’s non-discrimination ordinance.

via PGN-The Philadelphia Gay News. Phila gay news. philly news – Doylestown bans LGBT discrimination.


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