I’d like to be organized enough today to write a single, thought out post about gays and the conservative movement. There are posts about the Log Cabin Republicans, GoProud, and this crazy stuff going on in Tennessee, that separately are interesting stories, but combined, speak to a central point. but I’m doubting I’ll find the time for that, so here is a post about the anti-gay efforts in Tennessee to get the ball rolling.

The first story was that Nashville passed a non-discrimination protection. Then, the State began efforts to block it by promoting legislation that would prohibit any city, town or municipality within Tennessee from passing any LGBT protections. Talk about a state that is unwelcoming to lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and trans persons! This was accompanied by a bill that would forbid any discussion of homosexuality in classrooms, the so-called “don’t say gay” bill. Now, the big controversy stems from the fact that these large corporations- many which wish to be perceived as pro-gay rights- have been supporting these anti-gay efforts.

The story at AMERICAblog, is well worth reading, but a point that is missed is this. These corporations haven’t been supporting the anti-gay bills specifically to be anti-gay, or at least I don’t think that is the case. They are supporting these measures, as members of the Chamber of Commerce. In other words, their efforts are all about placing corporate profits and corporate success above and prioritized over equality, and the quality of life of their employees, as well as the members of the general community. That doesn’t make it any less heinous, but the difference is important to recognize.

Nissan, FedEx, AT&T, Comcast, DuPont, Pfizer, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Caterpillar, KPMG, Whirlpool, Embraer, Alcoa, and United HealthCare were put on notice one month ago, by members of the Nashville city council, that the legislation they were lobbying for, via their roles on the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce, would repeal Nashville’s gay/trans civil rights ordinance.

Each of those companies were given official notice of their role in this hate legislation nearly one month ago. And they did nothing until we exposed their role last Thursday night. And even then, Comcast, DuPont, Pfizer, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Caterpillar, Whirlpool and Embraer couldn’t even be bothered to comment on the scandal. They’ve still said nothing – nothing. I guess our communities aren’t important enough to Comcast, DuPont, Pfizer, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Caterpillar, Whirlpool and Embraer.

It is true that one wing (the predominant wing running the GOP at the moment,) is controlled by social maniacs who have a anti-gay, anti-women agenda. However, it is also true that the other major tenet of the Republican party, a Free Market Capitalist system, is also anti-gay, but from a different perspective. Just as Union-busting is essential for Corporate strength, anti-gay measures are important to make workers subservient to the Corporation. Profits matter above all else, and if we make the quality of life of workers the most important thing, some corporations fear they will lose ground.

This is not to say that to be pro-gay can’t also be good for the Corporate Interest. Look at companies like Apple, and Google for example. But the Chamber of Commerce isn’t the innovator like Apple or Google.

Some would have us believe that you can be Republican and help save the party from the far-right wing-nuts. I’m not so sure about that. I’m not sure there is any factions within the GOP which are pro-equality. There are a few individuals out there within the grand old party, but do they represent enough of the party to suggest that the party could be moved to being a pro-gay force? I don’t think so.

via AMERICAblog Gay: Companies warned a month ago that law would repeal gay/trans rights in TN, did nothing.

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