
Fighting, winning, and won: Marriage Equality.

I love her post because it reframes the issue of how to vote. She asks her readers to consider how they want to be treated. That Golden Rule so many of us learned in Sunday School, and a way of being that is so absent from much of the religious rhetoric of today. She also connects the two sides of Marriage together in a wonderful way.

October 17, 2012 Comments are Disabled Election, general, Same-Sex Marriage

Pittsburgh Debate Watch Party: Why Go?

I’ve received a ton of emails as well as Facebook invites about a debate watch party tonight at Cruze Bar. The party seems to be hosted by a number of persons and organizations, which provide fodder for some commentary. But right now, I want to focus on why it is useful for YOU to go. (and I believe it is)

October 16, 2012 1 comment Election, general
How to register to vote.

How to register to vote.

Citizen of the United States for at least one month before the next election Resident of PA and the election district for at least 30 days before next election 18 years of age on or before the day of the next election.

October 5, 2012 Comments are Disabled Election, general
Pennsylvania Voter Election Protection Volunteers Needed!

Pennsylvania Voter Election Protection Volunteers Needed!

the PA Voter Coalition are organizing volunteers to serve as election protection monitors. The coalition has developed a list of over 50 voting precincts where problems may occur, however because of the confusion surrounding the Voter ID law, almost any polling place could experience issues.

October 4, 2012 Comments are Disabled Activism, Election, general

Can a Romney White House do the hard work of being President?

I haven’t commented about the recent flack over Romney’s attack against the Obama Administration, but Kevin Drum’s post prompts me to add some thoughts. This was no late-night, one-person screwup that Romney then felt he had to stand behind. It was a carefully calculated statement drafted by Romneys entire team and then signed off on by Romney himself. Even with his whole staff beavering away on this, apparently not a single person pointed out that[Read More…]

September 13, 2012 Comments are Disabled Election

No LGBT Votes for the GOP!

As if the GOP Party Platform wasn’t enough, some LGBT persons feel they can still support the GOP’s presidential candidate and his running mate. They claim that the two men are really separated from a party “document” which isn’t all that important. But the reality is that neither Romney or Ryan can be seen as very pro-LGBT. What I find so alarming is that we have tried for a long long time to pass ENDA.[Read More…]

September 6, 2012 Comments are Disabled Activism, Election, general
The Fallacy of Third Party Candidates impacting Elections.

The Fallacy of Third Party Candidates impacting Elections.

The biggest issue for the fallacy of a third party candidate during a presidential election is the failure to remember, that we the people don’t really elect our president. The Electoral College does that, and for a third party candidate to get enoug votes to win the college is, well… Impossible. If anyone wants to argue with that, feel free. I’ll happily read your rationale. And I’ll admit I’m wrong, if I am. But I’m not.

September 5, 2012 Comments are Disabled Election, general

Desperate Romney is a Birther!

Since I first studied our political system back in HS Civics, I’ve been such a fan of our two party system. If one party feels they have better solutions to the issues, they can put them forth and campaign on them. Too bad the GOP must not have learned the same civics lesson. They seem in general, and their presidential candidate in particular, hung up on being birthers, and using myth and innuendo to try[Read More…]

August 24, 2012 Comments are Disabled Election

The fracturing Republican party: RIP GOP?

As a progressive, I’m not so sure that the GOP is fracturing, or at least fracturing enough for my tastes. Perhaps neither Erickson nor myself realize how pervasive corporate control of government is. Any of us, who really want less government, or government that protects all Americans may be the ones wearing the blinders. The American people may have already lost control, and it isn’t to one party or the other, but to big money which has a whole different agenda than either Erickson or I would propose.

July 23, 2012 Comments are Disabled Election, general
Direct Action Opposing PA Voter ID/Voter Suppression in Harrisburg PA

Direct Action Opposing PA Voter ID/Voter Suppression in Harrisburg PA

Please join the NAACP on Tuesday, July 24th, 1:00 pm, on the front steps of the State Capitol! This is a call for direct action. We need to actively voice our opposition to the new Voter ID law as well as support the NAACP and others in their suit challenging this unjust law.

July 20, 2012 Comments are Disabled Election