A Homosexual Bishop?
The linked blog is called “Mystic Call” and the blogger. Carmen Rose is pretty spectacular in my book! I keep reading through her post to try and find a short passage to excerpt here, but trying to select one over another is proving difficult. This is a valued read for anyone, believer or non-believer. I want to draw attention to the comment by DrDave. I’l acknowledge that it is hard- for obviously both this guy[Read More…]
Gay bashing in the Holy Bible
If we asked many queers what the Bible had to say when it comes to gay bashing, most might point to the well known scriptures such as Leviticus that are condemning of homosexuality. but there is a New Testament scripture that gives a whole new perspective to it. Matthew 5:22. I found this when I was looking up the wikipedia definition of “gay bash.” Â The entry there talks about an idea presented in Byrne Fone’s[Read More…]