I want to encourage everyone to check out the linked blog post below which is titled “How to Argue Mindfully.” The blog post is by Andy Hoover, writing about a Buddhist retreat and teaching. Personally, I have been working with meditation on and off for a number of years, but about three years ago, I found myself getting more involved in Buddhist practice. I started to sit with a Sangha here in Pittsburgh, but my interest was more directly aligned wih the Interdependence Project, in NYC. The ID Project podcast is a weekly connection to an exploration of Buddhist philosophical practice in relation to activism and daily living in the world around us.

Working on issue advocacy surrounding LGBT issues can be a real stress on serenity and mindfulness! But, at the same time, a space of interaction and effective activism relies upon this notion of interaction. Without it, the only thing that exists is a lose-lose outcome. With the right space created for dialogue and interaction a win-win becomes possible.

via How to argue mindfully « Kinder Gentler Nation.

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