I’ve been busy interviewing candidates for the LGBT Field Organizer position that is currently posted by the Delta Foundation.This Spring, Delta is launching a new project, the Western PA Advocacy Initiative, and this full-time field organizer is one element of getting this project going. During a phone conversation yesterday with a candidate, he shared with me how seeing the film “Milk” had inspired him. It got me thinking about what inspired me, and/ or continues to inspire me to this day?

When it comes to being an advocate or activist, I don’t often think in those terms- of inspiration, which is insane given that I am an artist, and I clearly think about inspiration as an artist! So, I’ve been pondering this question of what inspires me, and the easiest answer is “Social Justice.” I want to see real social justice. I believe it is the destiny of the American Dream and the promise of Independence. Doesn’t that sound important?

But the question of who inspires me, is a harder question. Or to move out of the realm of generalizations and identify specific people or things that inspire me. Much more work!

So, I thought while I ponder and write, I’d ask the same question to you:

Who Inspires you?

Leave a comment here on the blog and share your inspiration with me and my readers. I’ll post about my own inspirations too!


  1. No, thank YOU for the blog post! I hope the Field Organizer position hasn't yet been filled! I am applying!

    – Danielle

  2. Thanks Danielle! This is a wonderful video clip, and I hope everyone checks it out.

    There were many inspiring speakers that day, and I'm so glad you gave voice to how this person inspired you.

  3. When I saw Urvashi Vaid speak at the National Equality March, I was moved. Her poignant speeches never fail to demand nothing less than my full attention. But the most powerful speaker that day? No, not Lady Gaga, but this young man: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WW7As2GsP90 — Richard Aviles. When he shared his story about the importance of marching, when he shared his story because so many others CAN'T share theirs. I thought of my girlfriend who, at the time, could not march for his reasons exactly. I was overcome with inspiration.

    But my list could go on forever. Everyone and everything inspires me, both good and bad.