The link below is an editorial from the Philly area, and expresses another reason  for Western PA to support Dan Onorato for governor. The bold (added for emphasis) is mine:

Notwithstanding, those ward leaders supporting any of the other candidates other than Williams, need to realize what Gov. Ed Rendell has shown: a favorite son in the Governor’s Mansion translates into mucho extra bucks in grants and programing.

Every reason I have heard for opposing Onorato is based on social/progressive arguments, which deserve their consideration, but let’s get real. This election is all about jobs and the economy first, and social issues after that. It won’t matter if we have a very progressive governor, if people keep fleeing the state, and there are no jobs and a sagging economy.

Onorato is a more moderate democrat, but then, the vast majority of the state is filled with moderates, so he is a candidate that fits their priorities well, yet he has been positively active on social issues. The Philly folks can get their needs met with the election of Jonathan Saidel for Lieutenant Governor.

via EDITORIAL: No Hometown Fans; Kudos To Butkovitz | The Public Record.

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