This morning, while blogging, I realized that I had passed a milestone this week. On Wednesday, I posted my 1000th blog post, a milestone I never anticipated ever reaching! I had no idea when I decided to begin this blog,just how much work it was going to be! Blogging has totally changed my life, and the things that make up my everyday.  But I also never anticipated all the wonderful things that have come from blogging. All the work is worth it!

I want to especially thank all the folks who read my blog, because if there weren’t any readers, there would be little point to this. Please invite your friends to check out my blog, so the process continues.

Three topics have guided my blog posts this week for you to check out. With the PA Primary just around the corner, I’ve been writing about that. There are also some follow up posts to last week’s brutal beating in Bloomfield. Lastly, a few posts about George Reker, the Baptist preacher and anti-gay crusader who prefers “long stroke” massages and thought the best website to find a baggage handler would be Today, I’ll blog a bit about today’s meet and greet with Arlen Specter.  Sestak has been rising in the polls against Specter, and the race looks very interesting. I don’t know how well Sestak is polling against Toomey. Check out these postings.

Do you know what I’d like in exchange for the next 1000 blog posts? Your feedback! Visit my blog, and no matter if you agree with me or disagree, leave a comment and join the dialogue. I have learned some valuable things from my readers, and while I hold strong opinions, I appreciate being challenged by thoughtful ideas.

Thanks for coming with me for these first 1000 posts, and glad to have you along as we start towards the next 1000!


  1. tcwaters says:

    And thanks for your ongoing support!

  2. Congratulations Tom! Thanks for your insight!