“You and the radical homosexual community want to harass supporters of REAL marriage,” Steve Scheffler wrote in an e-mail to Fred Karger, a longtime civil rights advocate in California who is gay and has announced he is running for president. “. . . I will work overtime to help ensure that your political aspirations are aborted right here in Iowa.”

via Iowa GOP committeeman to gay candidate: I’ll sink you | Des Moines Register Staff Blogs.


  1. I'm with @BenHgbPA, in that I can respect GLBT's who are more conservative and believe the GOP offers what they feel is that direction. I can't necessarily say I understand it, but to each his/her own. Groups like Log Cabin Repubs were responsible for helping to get the Mormon Church behind non-discrimination protections in Salt Lake.

    But I think every LGBT person needs to understand just how anti-gay the GOP is, and how sinking the candidacy of a gay man ranks higher on a priority list than any other GOP issue, simply because he is gay/ supports marriage equality. Protecting some mythical notion of “family” ranks higher than fiscal responsibility, etc.

  2. There were several messages about this post on Twitter. Thanks@BenHgbPA for commenting:

    Yes, there are gays in GOP & too many put GOP before civil rights for themselves & all #gay s (GOProud, Corbett Pride, etc) #p2

    I can respect #gay GOPs who stand up for themselves – Bush made anti-gay a big '04 theme; Log Cabins refused to endorse him #p2

    GOProud attacked only R in CA Sen race who supported full marriage equality. That's nuts. http://bit.ly/bZNMfC #p2 #gay #lgbt