This is from the Pennsylvania Progressive, and the post shines light on something I’ve touched on before. Corbett’s actions surrounding the Health Care Reform lawsuit, much like his corruption probe is based solely on gaining political ground, and not on helping Pennsylvania grow and prosper. Anyone who cares about the future of our state, has to seriously consider all candidates running, and what they have to bring to the table. Yet with Tom Corbett, is there anything he has to bring that isn’t tired old conservative obstructionist politics?

Tom Corbett is continuing to violate the Open Records Law because he seems to be afraid of his own safety if he releases documents showing his health care lawsuit is purely political.

So many conservative bloggers are citing Corbett’s work as the Attorney General, as proof that he will alter the future of the state by being tough on law breakers, but if he himself can’t comply with PA’s open records law, does he really offer anything? When politicians act above the law, in any way, they should step down and make way for real leaders.

Pennsylvania doesn’t need another politician. We need a real leader with real leadership experience. That would be the other candidate for Governor- Dan Onorato.

via The Pennsylvania Progressive:: Corbett Afraid His Political Shenanigans Put Him In Danger.

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