Archive for August, 2010

Gay Day, Queer Year?

Gay Day, Queer Year?

Being truly equal participants in Life, Liberty and all things American will take more than a right to get married. All of us, need to keep that in mind, and need to keep working for progress on all fronts where LGBT’s are treated differently than others.

August 5, 2010 2 comments Activism, general, Same-Sex Marriage

Some Libraries Not Big On Free Speech

some libraries do wonderful things protecting free speech, but not all libraries are acting in similar ways

August 5, 2010 Comments are Disabled general

Prop 8 overturned!

Updated: it is official! Prop 8 eked unconstitutional! A number of tweets on twitter claiming prop 8 has been overturned, but I can’t yet confirm via a news source. Here are excerpts from the ruling as reported by the LA Times Here is the PDF of the Judge’s ruling

August 4, 2010 1 comment general
Motion to Stay May Be More Important Than Judge’s Ruling

Motion to Stay May Be More Important Than Judge’s Ruling

We know that the ruling will be appealed no matter what then decision is, and Walker, almost painfully, laid out a meticulous case so that there was no stone unturned and the court record would be as detailed as could be as the case moves through the appeals process towards the Supreme Court. But what about the time between now and the appeal?

August 4, 2010 Comments are Disabled general, Same-Sex Marriage

PA Fair Care

new insurance option for folks who have been denied coverage in the past due to pre-existing conditions.

August 3, 2010 Comments are Disabled general
People Who Make Up THeir Own Rules

People Who Make Up THeir Own Rules

This is really a rant, that isn’t connected to what I usually write about (at least not too closely connected), so if that isn’t what your in the mood for, just skip this post. Tomorrow, I’m writing about the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), so I’ll be back on track. The Bakery Square complex is starting to come to life, especially now that the hotel and the Urban Active gym are both open. I was[Read More…]

August 2, 2010 Comments are Disabled general
Is Target Painting a Bulls Eye on LGBT Rights?

Is Target Painting a Bulls Eye on LGBT Rights?

For me, this issue is far bigger than Minnesota politics. This “socialism” verbiage is common GOP-talk at every level of government. And, here in Pennsylvania, we have a GOP governor candidate who thinks everyone on unemployment wants to sit around and just pick up a check. He claims to find tons of open jobs in a newspaper classified, but fails to see that these pay too low of a wage for the average unemployed to live at the standard their previous job provided. So Thomas Emmer is blaming the waters and waitresses, and Tom Corbett is blaming the unemployed.

August 2, 2010 3 comments Activism, general

Kylie Minogue Monday Pick Up

Today’s Kylie video is one of my all time favorite Kylie songs, and this concert performance of it from the Showgirls concert really rocks!  If I’m having a hard day, this is one song on my iPod that I go to, and I’m always smiling and dancing by the end of it. It is the right amount of campy fun, dance beats and all the stuff that makes Kylie a goddess! [youtube][/youtube]

August 2, 2010 Comments are Disabled general
27th Annual National Night Out

27th Annual National Night Out

Tuesday, August 3: 27th Annual National Night Out is an annual celebration held around the country to raise awareness around issues of community building and crime prevention. Please look for the following events in District 7: Lawrenceville Cookout, Leslie Park, 5-8pm. Sponsored by Lawrenceville United. Porch parties, various times and locations in Friendship. Contact Emily at for more information or to volunteer. Sponsored by the Friendship Preservation Group.

August 1, 2010 Comments are Disabled general

Follow-up on Lancaster County Human Relations Commission

What’s happening in Lancaster County should be a wake up to anyone living in any location where LGBT rights are protected under a HRC. The LCHRC has existed for many years, but recently there was a petition to add Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression to their protected classes, and two of the commissioners responded with a proposal to eliminate the LCHRC all together. The following is a write up by Bolton Winpenny about[Read More…]

August 1, 2010 Comments are Disabled Activism, general