I posted yesterday and last week about the gay bashing in Highland Park, and the meeting with zone 5 police where we focused on response time, and the commitment of the police to treat all crimes equally because some within the LGBT community feel as if some police are not interested in helping if the victim is a gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender person. The police, including an out lesbian officer affirmed for me that the police treat every incident the same regardless, and their goal is to stop crime and “catch bad guys” in all situations. In the Highland Park incident, the victim wanted the attack listed as a hate crime, but the report didn’t contain enough evidence to warrant that. In Pennsylvania, there is no Hate Crimes legislation- only the Federal Matthew Shepherd Act would apply. Attempts to pass PA HB 745 haven’t been successful, and opponents of Hate Crimes legislation, call it unnecessary gay legislation.

But the article below suggests that Hate Crimes may be on the rise, and are fueled by racial, as well as other motivations like religion or sexual orientation or gender expression.

HAPPY VALLEY, Ore. — Racial slurs were spray painted on a Happy Valley house this week shortly after an Asian family moved into the home, deputies said.

Sang Huynh and his family found the vandalism Monday, three days after starting their move-in process, said Detective Jim Strovink in a Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office news release.

There was a note found at the house that read, “Leave.” Another note said, “Last warning. We will burn your house down if we have to,” according to deputies. Investigators said they also found a book of matches and a clear plastic water bottle filled with gasoline.

Deputies said the racist vandalism happened between 1:30 p.m. and 3:08 p.m. on Monday.

Hate Crimes can happen anywhere, and any attempt to rely solely on the Federal statute will not offer much value or protection for any of the people frequently targeted in a Hate Crime.

Here in Pennsylvania, you can do your part to help get state-wide protections against Hate Crimes passed. Talk to your PA House Representative, and you can urge them to support PA HB 745. The bill has been stalled waiting for a vote of the full house. If you need help knowing who to contact, email Equality Partners, a project of the Delta Foundation, and Jason Crighton, the LGBT Field Organizer can help you.

Happy Valley Family Target Of Hate Crime – Portland News Story – KPTV Portland.

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