The link below is to a segment from last night’s Rachel Maddow show, and features video footage of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife, speaking out. She refers to the current administration and what is happening by the Democrats as “tyranny” and likens the work of the Tea Party to Paul Revere and other colonialists.

This seems connected/ similar to Sharron Angle, who is running against Harry Reid in Nevada. Angle, is suggesting that if Republicans aren’t elected in a majority to take back control of the country, that Tea Party activists (and others??) ought to take up guns and use them to force a coup in Washington. “Force a coup” is my language, not hers. She simply refers to “2nd amendment choices.” But having citizens take up arms against a duly elected, and government would be a coup.

They claim that there is no Democrat enthusiasm this election season, which could assist Republicans in regaining control of Washington, and quite frankly, I don’t understand that. While I’m not the biggest fan of everything that has happened in Washington in the past year, it is far from tyranny. It is far from a corrupt and wicked government. If anything a lack of more progress is the result of the Democrats not pushing back against he Republican party of “No,” even more.

But the fact remains, a majority or Americans fairly elected the current administration. Tyranny? Not in any way. These attacks are not really simply attacks at the sitting legislators and the President, but they are attacks against YOU! The folks who elected the current leadership. Do, you really want to sit by quietly and be attacked and allow such crazy thinking to rule the day?

Rachel Maddow: Supreme court spouse makes no pretense of impartiality.

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