This is a snip from David Mixner’s blog, and a piece written by Robert Shrum, that is a great read for everyone who claims to care about progressive issues. Here is a snip, but follow the link for the entire piece is a must read.

But that issue also warns progressives not to let disappointment or dissatisfaction become an excuse for going AWOL during the midterm elections. The one thing we can be certain of is that a Republican Congress would do everything possible to prevent gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military. Their base on the religious right would demand nothing less.

“Elections,” as Al Gore once said, “are not a reward for past performance.” Barack Obama, who doesn’t get enough credit for the remarkable things he has done, shouldn’t be punished at the midterm ballot box for what he hasn’t yet done or ventured. Push him and the Democrats on issues, but don’t let the collection of economic royalists, whacky Tea Partiers, and the merchants of prejudice and nativism that now constitute the Republican Party take control of the legislative branch of government.

The closing is right on the money!

So vote and vote Democratic. Picket and protest Democrats when they’re wrong after the election. But in November don’t walk away—and if you can, even walk some precincts between now and then. This country is polarized, intentionally so by Republican appeals to some of the worst instincts and fears of our people. If we don’t stand up, who will? If we don’t vote, we can be sure that they will.

There is one comment on the blog entry that is worth looking at:

You let me know when the White House stops its vigorous defense of DADT and DOMA in court and THEN I will make plans to vote.

Until then, the Dems can go fuck themselves.

So think this one through with me. This person is pissed off at Obama, and the Dems in general. OK, I can’t argue with that (I could, but that is beside the real point here). So, a person who doesn’t think the Dems are doing enough, will stay home and not vote and Tea Party crazies will get elected, and what will that do? Will that change the direction of the Democrats next year? Will we see ENDA brought up for a vote and passed? Will DADT be repealed? Immigration reform that will benefit gay couples? Will it be easier for the president to get open-minder judges through their confirmation process? I don’t think so.

Telling the Dems to go F*#k themselves will do nothing to move LGBT issues further. The only people that will end up F*#ked, with be us, the voters– the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people who are counting on changes in legislation for Equality.

This is what will move LGBT issues further:

  • Stop funding the DCCC and the national Dem campaign. Fund local Dems directly. Help these women and men get elected, but let the National party know that you don’t support the way they are doing business.
  • Get out and vote to keep as many Progressive Dems in office as possible and stop an encroachment of Tea Party and other conservatives.
  • Starting the day after the election, DEMAND as loudly as possible and in every way possible that the Dems step up and fight for progressive issues. Don’t let up on them until we have seen progress.
  • Begin NOW, to find and support progressive Dems to replace blue dog Dems where ever possible in the next election.
  • Get to know your elected officials! Don’t just bitch and whine! Don’t just send off angry emails. Go and meet with your elected officials and express your opinions. Dialogue with them, and hold them accountable for working for you. – Live From Hell’s Kitchen.

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