Archive for September, 2010

School Bullying Suicide: Greensburg Student Takes His Own Life

The fallacious argument, that a person chooses to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered crumbles when you look at things like this. Why would any young person choose to be so harassed are treated so badly?

September 14, 2010 Comments are Disabled general
Find Your Voice and Share It at Podcamp Pittsburgh!

Find Your Voice and Share It at Podcamp Pittsburgh!

Podcamp Pittsburgh is for folks at every level of expertise in social media ranging from no experience at all, to extremely experienced.

September 14, 2010 Comments are Disabled general

When the Regularly Elected Majority is Labeled as Tyranny

This seems connected/ similar to Sharron Angle, who is running against Harry Reid in Nevada. Angle, is suggesting that if Republicans aren’t elected in a majority to take back control of the country, that Tea Party activists (and others??) ought to take up guns and use them to force a coup in Washington.

September 14, 2010 Comments are Disabled Activism, general

Saving the Constitution from Constitutionality: A Case for Bigotry.

The degree to which the very Constitution, or at least what it means is at stake, should give anyone from the progressive left to the vast moderate middle a pause, and then help them hurry to the ballot box to protect the very foundation of the country. Or it may be too late.

September 13, 2010 Comments are Disabled Activism, general, Same-Sex Marriage

The Fallacy of Spending Cuts to Save the State’s Economy

No politician who has an authentic care for the notion of “building jobs” can also be calling for cuts in spending as the only source of economic recovery. They are either a hypocrite, or naive, or a sleazy liar using a knee-jerk causing sound bite for effect only.

September 12, 2010 Comments are Disabled general

Remembering 911

A different avenue, is to get strong, and recognize that while you can’t stop it, you can, with every fiber of your being, be present to it, so that what is happening is known and thus can never be forgotten. Then, down the road, if others attempt to exploit or misrepresent the reality of it, you have the truth inside of you.

September 11, 2010 Comments are Disabled general
Commentary: Direct Action and Get Equal

Commentary: Direct Action and Get Equal

Direct Action is a powerful tool for political change, however often misunderstood. It may include marching and being at a protest rally, but it is far more than that. In fact, just showing up at a rally will cause little positive change in and of itself. Direct Action, especially of the type that would be called Civil Disobedience is far more of an investment in the movement that carrying a sign and shouting slogans.

September 9, 2010 Comments are Disabled Activism, general

GetEQUAL and Justice League – Activate! To Rep. Chris Carney: Stop Voting Against LGBT Constituents and Support Their Right to Employment Protections

While Rep. Carney is out on the campaign trail worried about his own job, he continues to leave his LGBT constituents unprotected and without any form of federal employment protections. Like all Americans, we are worried about our job security and Rep. Carney’s votes based on discrimination are completely unacceptable.

September 9, 2010 1 comment Activism, general
Was President Lincoln Gay?

Was President Lincoln Gay?

The more real people, who we can look back on history and see what they accomplished, and who were gay or lesbian (or would be labeled as such by today’s standards) the more we can refute the horrific claims of the anti-gay crusaders.

September 8, 2010 Comments are Disabled general

Marcellus Shale and the Future of Pennsylvania

What we need is a governor with enough budget and planning experience to allow for drilling in safe and controlled ways, such that the companies must work in environmentally safe ways, and everyone benefits from the money that can be raised, instead of leaving all of that the to the big Gas and Oil companies. We need to elect Dan Onorato.

September 8, 2010 Comments are Disabled general