Would You Nominate My Blog?

I saw this on sexgenderbody, a blog I try and read at least once a week, and Olga is reposting from another blog called Essin’ Em: Sexuality Happens.

I’m creating a list. A list of sex, relationship, LGBTQ, kink, social justice, feminist, humanist bloggers who have put up at least one post that has made you stop for a moment and think. Perhaps it was about sex and gender, or about your views of relationships, or some privilege you have that you hadn’t realized that you had yet. It can be anything that made you think, analyse, re-examine, say “oh!” — whatever it is that made you stop for a moment and step outside of your own view of the world.

Here is a link to the whole post: http://essin-em.com/2010/10/bwmyt-nominations/.

If anything on my blog has prompted you to stop and think like that, please nominate me. Here are the few rules:

*Please don’t nominate yourself.

*Blog must have at least 15 posts on it, preferrably at least 6 months old (younger blogs often disappear, and then many of the list links are dead).

*Please comment with: The blog URL, the blogger’s online name, and at least ONE link to a post that made you think. You don’t need to explain why, but please include at least one think-worthy post.

*You can nominate up to 10 bloggers. Please do one comment per blogger, for ease of actually creating the list.

*Bloggers must be somehow related to the fields of sex, sexuality, relationships, parenting, kink, poly, monogamy, social justice, equality, etc.

You have until November 30th at 11:59pm to nominate. Feel free to post about this on your blog, tweet/facebook about it, ask to be nominated, just remember that you cannot nominate yourself.

Click this button to make nominations:

Button for Nominations: Bloggers that make you think

via Bloggers Who Make You Think | Olga Wolstenholme.

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