This is from LifeSiteNews, a far right crazy website, which is constantly working to deny lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons equality. I thought this was a very telling illustration of the way bigots justify their hate.

This bill, proposed by the NDP’s ‘LGBT’ critic Bill Siksay, is merely the latest attempt by the homosexualist lobby to force their ideology on our families.  It will lead to even greater restrictions on our freedoms as we’ve seen with other concessions to homosexualists, like the protections based on “sexual orientation” and the legalization of same-sex “marriage.”

  • … the homosexualist lobby… Bigots always fail to recognize that legislation such as this is about real people, and they attribute everything to “the homosexualist lobby,” or “the gay agenda,” or some other mysterious entity, but never real people. Even the nature of the non-word (but Sarah Palin would love it) “homosexualist” is designed to dehumanize the remove this from being about real people. To say “the homosexual lobby” would have to admit that there are real people who are homosexuals. A bigot can’t do that!
  • force their ideology on our families… What a powerful and manipulative phrase! It immediately sets up an us vs them scenario, and encourages the reader to be “on the defensive.” This triggers the oldest part of our brain which responds to the fight or flight impulse, removing any discourse- even the possibility for discourse- because there are only two options1) protect your family or 2) be a victim to something evil, scary and unknown. The victim mentality is big for bigots.  The notion that this is about an ideologic battle is also big for bigots, as well as their perceived ownership of “family.” Their “families” don’t include any lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender persons. Where they think that these scary others come from is a mystery, but that isn’t important to their tactics. For them, it is an us vs them battle, and the line in between the two sides is clear and easy to see. It should be noted that these very folks, the bigots, have full protections in the Canada Human Rights Act that would be impacted by C-389. Religion is a protected class. The bigots work to keep others from having what they have.
  • lead to greater restrictions on our freedoms… Here is where the bigotry shines most brightly. The general notion of protecting one’s freedoms sounds quite righteous and meaningful. The problem is that there is no LGBT legislation at all that does that, and this bill specifically doesn’t limit anyone’s freedoms. Unless these individuals want the right to discriminate against gay people. I’m always interested in understanding why they have freedoms, but we (gay people) do not.  How is that? How did that come about, and is that fair?

The post also illustrates some of their tactics to mobilize their base to take action:

There appears to have been some collusion on this bill between the NDP and the Conservative government.  Pro-family groups are warning that there is a grave danger the bill could pass, and it could come up for a vote anytime.  Very few people are even aware that this is coming down the pipe, because there’s been almost nothing on it from the mainstream media.

They act like something is being done in secret  and so immediate action is needed! When in reality, these so-called “pro-family” groups, which are really anti-gay groups have been following the progress on this bill every step of the way. It has simply reached the stage where they they feel they can leverage their lies and mis-informatuon most effectively. I am especially taken by the use of the term “grave danger.” The reality is that protections of this type exist in many states, or other municipalities, and there has never been any problem caused by it.

via Canadians: Tell your MP to stop the ‘bathroom bill’ |

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