As we make major progress in all types of LGBT Rights across the country, I think we must also remain aware that, in a heart beat, some people in power would lock us up and criminalize our very existence. The women and men I worry most about however, are not these types of politicians, but  those who live in the big cities in progressive areas, who fail to remember that losing our rights is just as close as full equality.  We can not let up or fail to fight on all fronts, lest we lose any rights anywhere.

An influential Republican and Democrat on a House committee affirmed Wednesday their intent to leave in Kansas statute books an unconstitutional law criminalizing gay sex.

The state law was indirectly nullified by a 2003 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court striking down a Texas law imposing criminal sanctions for homosexual conduct. Kansas law books contain language limiting sexual acts by gay and lesbian partners, and it will remain on the books unless removed by the Legislature.

via Gay sex ban may stay on books |

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