The link below is to a good piece in The American Independent about the plans for increased spending by far-right anti-gay groups over the next two years.  The wins by Republicans in 2010 have set the stage so that those pushing an extreme conservative social agenda are ready to turn back the clock on many progressive fronts, and they are wiling to spend a lot of money to help make that happen.

Anti-gay rights groups around the country will see a cash infusion over the next two years through a plan called “Ignite an Enduring Cultural Transformation.” And the groups are remaining mum about who is responsible.

In several states — such as Indiana, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and West Virginia — Ignite plans seems to be targeted at getting anti-gay marriage amendments passed.

The Family Policy Council of West Virginia (FPCWV) plans to spend $168,000 through 2012  (it’s average yearly budget is $132,000) during its two-year Ignite campaign to pass a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage and civil unions, and also to defeat laws that would prevent discrimination against gays and lesbians. (emphasis added is mine)

These figures for the FPCWV are astounding! With an average annual budget of only $132,000, they are planning to spend $186,000 over 2 years to get a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage for West Virginia! This is a state that is no where close to passing a gay marriage bill, so the amount being spent is very telling in terms of how focused these folks are at squashing a future for gay rights and equality.

But these battles are not only against gay rights. Rather they target a larger progressive  arena that includes women rights issues as well.

The South Dakota Family Policy Council is spending $72,600 in the next two years as part of the Ignite campaign, specifically to pass legislation that would force women seeking an abortion to speak to counselors at religious-based crisis pregnancy centers.

Aside from the issue of how to raise enough money to adequately compete with this far right conservative agenda, another more important issue is raised. Gay groups rarely express how far reaching these efforts are, and focus only on the attack towards LGBT’s. Here in Pennsylvania, efforts are made to bridge the gaps and have progressive groups work together, but the needs of groups outside of the LGBT umbrella rarely get adequate mention n the gay media.

For al of those targeted by the far-right, we need to grasp the message and act more quickly to se that our survival means we must pull together our resources and efforts while we stand strong together.


via Anti-gay groups plan increased spending, activity through 2012 | The American Independent.

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