The Catholic Church was happiest when they controlled as much of the Western world as possible, even if much of it they controlled because of killing, rampage, and slaughter.  Now their struggling with living in the 21st century of America where Religion does not rule all.

The headline of this piece caught my attention: “Will Illinois Force Catholic Charities to Close over Homosexual Adoption?” Think about it a minute, and remember this is the Catholic Church which loves the 10 commandments that include thou shall not lie. Without a doubt adoption services are valuable services and needed because they connect children who need loving parents with parents who want to raise children. But the State of Illinois also has a right to do business with organizations that follow the laws of Illinois. If Catholic Charities (which is not the Catholic Church, just a social agency that is a part of the Church) wants to discriminate against gay and lesbian couples, they have every right to do so. But if they can’t survive without their contract with the State of Illinois, then the State isn’t forcing them to close. Their own unwillingness to live in the 21st century is the reason for their problem.

On July 8, 2011 the Illinois’ Department of Children and Family Services severed its relationship with Catholic Charities in three Illinois dioceses. They claimed that these agencies refused to comply with what was called the “Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act”. What is happening in Illinois is one more sign of the growing effort to force the Church to compromise with the new Caesar.

“The new Caesar” is an interesting phrase but displays the real issue here. The Catholic Church seeks not be be a part of a multicultural democracy where the laws of the State (or country) are not based on any one religious group. They demand and expect special rights.

If Catholic related groups wish to discriminate based upon their world view, they can. No one is stopping them. But if they seek to be business partners with the State and participants in a democracy, then they have to follow the laws just like the rest of us.

The commandment to not lie is actually one that calls for not bearing false witness. Unfortunately, this article is exactly that- false witness. The writer seeks to misrepresent the facts in the way he portrays the Church. Shame on you.

via Will Illinois Force Catholic Charities to Close over Homosexual Adoption? – U.s. – Catholic Online.

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