More than 30 NHL players have taped spots that will air throughout the remainder of the season.

“The messages are very simple, yet meaningful,” Patrick Burke said. “It’s variations of the idea that all they care about is winning, all they care about is having the best teammates and it doesn’t matter if the best teammate happens to be gay or straight.

I’ve blogged about Brian and Patrick Burke before- when Brian first came out and then when he died in a car crash- and I’m pleased to post about how this father and son continue to affect the hockey world. Professional Sports is one area of our culture where we haven’t seen enormous strides towards LGBTQ acceptance and the ending of homophobia. But in reality, every small step is still a step forward and one step closer to full acceptance.

There is a Gay Agenda! Full acceptance and an end to homophobia, is that too mc u to ask for? No way. The path towards that end requires cultural change as well as legislative and political change. Projects like this help create that cultural change.

via NHL stars promote tolerance of gay players |

I saw this article first on Big Gay News, and used the original post from the Star Tribune for my post.

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