The linked post from The Maddow Blog, captures a really interesting spin about this recent controversy. And I want to take that and push it a step further.

In short, the president explained that his reaction was driven by thoughts of his own daughters.

Limbaugh has picked a lot of fights over the years, but even he may not have been prepared for the righteous anger that comes with an attack on Americans’ daughters.

I want to say that what Limbaugh said was outrageous and unacceptable. The degree of uproar has been great to see and appropriate. But I want to ask why it is that righteous anger is unleashed because of one jackass’s flip and crude comment? Why does an “attack on American’s daughters” do this when the attack on American’s gay sons and lesbian daughters happens every single day and no one even notices? As Americans, and as human beings, we most often care about our children and protect them. As we should- we know that our children can not always protect themselves. So why is it that we let homophobia and bigotry run rampant in our schools and across Social Media which leaves our queer youth feeling targeted, isolated, dehumanized, bullied and abused?

Truly, Rush Limbaugh is a larger than life figure and so somethng he says can easily catch the media’s attention, and therefore become a topic of discourse. But why will we, as a culture rise up with Righteous anger against a single bully and yet, not rise up en masse againast the rampant problem of teen bullying and hostility towards our LGBTQA youth?

via The Maddow Blog – Obama comments on Limbaugh controversy.

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