Note added 4/16/2013: As per some other websites, the photo I selected is actually quite fitting for ths blog, as it contains an out gay police officer. I chose the photo not knowing, because I thought it was especially striking as an image.

I saw the first reports of the bombings at the Boston Marathon as a waited for my bus home from work today, and as I sat this evening, writing for this blog, I could hear and see the news coverage. It is hard to write about LGBTQ issues as urgent as I watch the images over and over and hear of two dead and dozens injured.

But all these things are a part of the world in which we live, and as we demand Equality, we must also recognize the other struggles and dynamics in which we all live.

My heart goes out to those in Boston as well as those everywhere who are concerned for these people.

Explosions At 117th Boston Marathon

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