I wrote several weeks ago, about a statement by Ruth Bader Ginsberg, where she called the Roe v Wade decision flawed. Her reasoning for that idea is possibly important thinking about how the US Supreme Court may decide the current cases they have regarding Marriage Equality.

Not everyone agrees with her, about Roe v Wade, and don’t see a similarity to.these cases now. This linked post shows a different perspective. I’m posting this, along with my earlier post because I believe we all need to understand these cases, and the cultural world they are a part of, as much as possible.

Here is another dissenter’s opinion, although Stone’s reasonings are different:

As it happens, I disagree strongly with Justice Ginsburg’s take on Roe. Perhaps the most surprising facet of Justice Ginsburg’s critique of Roe is her claim that the Court in Roe went “too far, too fast.”

These ideas are all important to consider.

No matter how the Court decides these two cases, it will raise new and complicated questions. In other words, these cases, and the decisions are not the end of this issue,but in many ways a new beginning. One piece of the journey towards full equality complete and the next piece begun. In that way, the next case that come forward, after these decisions will be as equally groundbreaking, as they will sit upon a different case law.

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