Hey everyone,

If you live in a state with a senator and that’s pretty much all of us, do what you can to help make sure the Senate convicts the orange dictator wannabe.

Write a letter- BY HAND- and send it, via USPS to your senator.

Be pleasant, factual, and friendly. Ask them to listen to the evidence and convict tRump based on the evidence. Add a sentence or two about why this conviction is important for returning democracy to the norm.

Why you HANDWRITE the letter

These senators get thousands of emails. The emails are often form, or chain emails. These don’t get a lot of attention, and in regards to the impeachment, there will be a ton of them, so no one with power will really be paying attention to them.

But a handwritten letter, is unique in today’s culture. Few people do that. Senior staff, and possibly the senator themselves will read it for sure, because it is so unique.

DON’T order them,accuse them, yell at them, berate them, or threaten them. Honey attracts more flies than vinegar. Even if they are a horrible senator, in your opinion, use civility, reason, courtesy, and a calm rational tone.

The letter doesn’t have to be long. In fact the shorter the more likely it will be read, and you want a real person to actually read it.

Send letters to your own senators only. They are there to represent you.

Say thank you.

Say Sincerely.

Every senator in every state needs to hear from their constiuents like this. If your handwriting is so illegible (like mine) it can be typed, but a hand written letter is far more likely to be actually read, so increae your chances of being heard- send a handwritten letter.

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