The linked story below is at TPM and is a great read. I’ve written a number of posts about George Rekers over the past few weeks since this he was caught hiring a male escort for a trip to Europe, and today, I want to say a bit about why this story is so important.
Every single group or position against LGBT rights bases that opposition one one factor: being gay is a choice. Ex-gay groups like Exodus and NARTH, the group Rekers has just resigned from, can only exist because far right religious groups pump money into them based upon this false claim that Gay is a choice. Their argument follows that if Gay is a choice, even if it is a hard thing to overcome, it can be overcome, and must be overcome for society to flourish.
But what we see over and over (and they continue to deny, over and over) is that even men (notice how it is always just men?) who claim to be cured or at the very least, ex-gay, are really still gay, just on the down low. Here is Rekers who contracts with a male escort for a daily massage that includes genital touch… but he says he isn’t gay. Here is Massa, who was known during his time in the military for giving ” massa massages” and resigned from Congress over multiple complaints about inappropriate behavior towards male members of his staff. Hereis Larrt Craig, who has a wide stance in airport restrooms.
There is no such thing as ex-gay. There may be men (and women) who choose to try and ignore their sexual orientation, and act counter to what is natural/normal for them. Some may be somewhat successful, while others are not, like Rekers. So, he devises a weird perspective on male touching, and convinces himself it is normal. Normal for a gay man maybe.
The acceptance of LGBT rights by everyone is coming, but slowly. An impediment to it, is this lingering idea that being gay is a choice. We must- let me say that again- WE MUST- Â work to break that falsehood and do whatever we can to demonstrate it as a false myth with no basis at all. If we can slay this hurtful inaccurate lie, it will go far in helping to battle to other lies and misinformation used to stop LGBT rights.
Rekers Resigns From Board Of Ex-Gay Group NARTH | TPMMuckraker.