Articles by: Thomas Waters

Mother’s Day and LGBTQ people

Mother’s Day and LGBTQ people

Today is Mother’s Day, and my Facebook wall is filled with Mother’s Day wishes.  My own mother has been dead for many years; she succumbed to lung cancer at a very young age, and I miss her every day. We had a very good relationship when she died, even though we had been through some rocky times over the years. So, I especially thin of her today. But not every LGBTQ person feels similarly. This[Read More…]

May 12, 2013 Comments are Disabled general
Kluwe, Football and a New Masculinity

Kluwe, Football and a New Masculinity

In other words, Chris Kluwe displays a new type of Masculinity. One that recognizes the power of the game and at the same time sees a greater role for the player than simply being the spectators’ hero. The new masculine is not just a role model for the budding masculine, but for all youth, especially those at risk, and the ones who need support, encouragement, and dare, I say it, love and compassion.

May 9, 2013 0 Comments general
Gay History 101: Gay Swimmers and Divers

Gay History 101: Gay Swimmers and Divers

Queerty has a nice photo spread and story about Gay swimmers and divers. The piece is heavy on the guys and n could include more women, but the lesson in Queer History is no less important. We probably all could name one or two Olympic level swimmers or divers, but here is a whole list! Learn ’em and learn ’em good. Don’t get stopped at the pics- read the short bios of each too.  Really[Read More…]

May 8, 2013 Comments are Disabled general
Breaking News: Bipartisan introduction of non-discrimination bills with strong public support in PA

Breaking News: Bipartisan introduction of non-discrimination bills with strong public support in PA

Today, a bipartisan group of Pennsylvania legislators introduced critical legislation to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people from discrimination. The bills would ban discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression statewide in employment, housing, credit, and public accommodations.

May 7, 2013 Comments are Disabled general
Why won’t Gay America embrace Bradley Manning?

Why won’t Gay America embrace Bradley Manning?

At stake in this situation may be the future of democracy and what it means to be an informed citizenry. I don’t believe I’m overstating the importance, and for a gay man to be at the heart of it is important. Will the LGBT community stop focusing solely on Gay Marriage long enough to recognize the turning point we are at here with this case and with Bradley Manning?

May 7, 2013 4 comments general

PA Non-discrimination legislation has record high number of sponsors: Press Conference on Tuesday.

The Pennsylvania legislature’s LGBT Equality Caucus and other legislative supporters will hold a Capitol news conference Tuesday to announce the largest-ever list of sponsors for non-discrimination legislation and a new major corporate supporter of the bills. Results of a recent poll about the bills also will be announced. The news conference will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday in the Capitol Media Center. Media coverage is invited. Members of the media may also listen to the[Read More…]

May 6, 2013 2 comments general
A gay man sees Clybourne Park at the Public Theater

A gay man sees Clybourne Park at the Public Theater

The cycles and dynamics which are both inevitable and avoidable are modulated and remedied by learning to listen to one another with an inquisitive desire to understand the other’s history.

May 3, 2013 Comments are Disabled Art, general, Review
Casting your ballot is just the beginning.

Casting your ballot is just the beginning.

Casting your ballot is just the first step in making our democratic process work for us, the citizens. You can make a difference, by getting engaged, and a personal letter is the easiest way to do that. This post explains how to be successful in getting your voice heard by your elected officials.

May 3, 2013 Comments are Disabled general
Gay History 101

Gay History 101

Today, I found two stories in my news feeds that are both short history lessons: the type of stuff every LGBTQ person ought to know, so please, enter the classroom, and get ready for some LGBT History 101.

May 1, 2013 Comments are Disabled general
Jason Collins Comes Out: How about you?

Jason Collins Comes Out: How about you?

In families; neighborhoods; schools; businesses; organizations; churches; clubs; towns; and in any way in which we organize people- there is someone, not wanting to be the first to speak up, and today, I wonder- will you follow Collins lead and stop waiting for it to be someone else, and have it be you?

April 29, 2013 2 comments general