American Theocracy: Analyzing the Religious Right

Two views of same-sex marriage.

Two views of same-sex marriage.

Contrary to Jennifer’s dilutions, same-sex couples are doing more to promote marriage and strengthen the institution of marriage! This is evidenced in the first linked post by Stephanie- a woman who found attending a marriage for a same-sex couple strengthened her own marriage to her opposite sex partner.

September 22, 2014 Comments are Disabled American Theocracy: Analyzing the Religious Right, general, Same-Sex Marriage
Religious Zealots Fail to Understand US Constitution.

Religious Zealots Fail to Understand US Constitution.

Two courts agree more than anything else. The only people who are claiming there is a “free speech” argument to be made are by the religious proponents of conversion therapy, and that argument has now lost in two different circuit courts.

September 14, 2014 Comments are Disabled American Theocracy: Analyzing the Religious Right, general
Christians and Anti-LGBT Discrimination

Christians and Anti-LGBT Discrimination

Could someone please cite what marriage equality activist ever insisted marriage wouldn’t affect anyone? Because it never happened! No one ever suggested such a thing! What marriage equality activists said then and now, is that allowing same-sex couples the ability to protect their relationships as and their families with civil marriage wouldn’t harm any heterosexual marriage. That’s a really big difference.

PA Rep Mike Kelly Introduces Pro-Discrimination Bill

PA Rep Mike Kelly Introduces Pro-Discrimination Bill

But the National Organization for Marriage, with the help of PA Rep Mike Kelly place religious convictions as more important than love.

Why anti marriage equality cases will continue to fail.

Why anti marriage equality cases will continue to fail.

Terence Jeffrey has an op ed on The Patriot Post which is a perfect example of why the anti marriage equality movement continues to lose in court case after court case as well as in the general public opinion poll.

August 1, 2014 Comments are Disabled American Theocracy: Analyzing the Religious Right, general, Same-Sex Marriage
Homophobe Rhetoric and Fake Democracy

Homophobe Rhetoric and Fake Democracy

Both individuals suggest that the vote of the people trumps all else, which is not the way it works in the United States, no matter how much these homophobes wish it did. We live in a Constitutional Democracy. Here is what is meant by a Constitutional Democracy

Will SCOTUS Hobby Lobby be the most significant decision of our lifetime?

Will SCOTUS Hobby Lobby be the most significant decision of our lifetime?

These two aspects make this decision potentially one of the most damaging decisions since the founding of our Country and the birth of our Constitutional Democracy.

July 7, 2014 Comments are Disabled American Theocracy: Analyzing the Religious Right, general
AFAPA demands Pennsylvania to accept polygamy and outlaw divorce and adoption.

AFAPA demands Pennsylvania to accept polygamy and outlaw divorce and adoption.

In other words, under the guise of being opposed to 2% of the adult population marrying a same-sex partner, the AFAPA is actually pointing out how flawed heterosexual marriages are, and the possibility of adverse family events that result in them.

June 23, 2014 Comments are Disabled American Theocracy: Analyzing the Religious Right, general, Same-Sex Marriage

Boswell, History, and Women

There was one element of Boswell’s preface I didn’t mention in my previous post because it deserves commentary of its own. Even Boswell devotes less than 100 words even though it is really a huge deal. He puts it this way; History was written by men about men, and where women are mentioned, it is generally peripherally. In a big way therefore, any discussion about the Bible and homosexuality, isn’t really about Sexual Orientation or[Read More…]

Religious Liberty and the Theology of Gay Discrimination

As recently as yesterday, another conservative politician  has come out claiming that good christians ought to be able to refuse service to gays and lesbians based. This one went so far as to suggest that no civil rights protections against discrimination are needed. He believes that market forces themselves would be enough. But since Phil Robertson’s outbursts ad this idea of discrimination has been more topical, no one has really stopped to articulate the theology[Read More…]