American Theocracy: Analyzing the Religious Right

Thoughts on the dying Fred Phelps

Thoughts on the dying Fred Phelps

But Phelp’s death wasn’t the really interesting element of the story, even though most have focused on that. Nate Phelps claims his Father was excommunicated from WBC, and in a vague statement addressing questions today, the Church is only saying that membership issues are private.

Preaching as Hate Speech

Preaching as Hate Speech

This pastor doesn’t intend to be so hateful (even as he is). Rather, his intention is to identify gays and lesbians as “accepting a lifestyle” in a very very Old Testament type of way. He is perpetuating a myth that isn’t based in any reality. That doesn’t keep it from being hate speech or harmful.

March 10, 2014 Comments are Disabled American Theocracy: Analyzing the Religious Right, general, Homosexual
Backlash against GLAAD and Gay Shame.

Backlash against GLAAD and Gay Shame.

The attitudes expressed in support of Robertson’s bigotry illustrate how racism, homophobia,and selfishness are interwoven. This is the battlefield upon which the culture war is being fought.

Religion, Collusion, and Bigotry, part 2

Religion, Collusion, and Bigotry, part 2

In other words, [the 1st amendment] isn’t about what people can and can not do, but rather what the government can and can not do- an extremely important distinction.

Religion, Collusion, and Bigotry (Part 1)

Religion, Collusion, and Bigotry (Part 1)

This is the first of a multi-part series about the connection of Religion and Bigotry. I want to focus on two other aspects of this intersection of Faith and bigotry, and how the two feed each other.

Breaking News: A&E to rebrand itself with launch of new Duck Dynasty season

Breaking News: A&E to rebrand itself with launch of new Duck Dynasty season

It was announced recently, that filming of Duck Dynasty with all cast members will resume in 2014 effectively ending the suspension of family patriarch Phil Robertson, but what wasn’t announced is A&E’s plans to rebrand itself to coincide with the show based on the lessons learned during the manufactured controversy.

Christian broadcast company tries to cash in on Phil Robertson.

Christian broadcast company tries to cash in on Phil Robertson.

Max Gordon offers an interesting take on the subject. As a black, gay man, his perspective Robertson is worth reading, although it think he has a bunch of it wrong. The audacity of Christians to believe they are above the law speaks volumes and demonstrates the real meaning of privilege. For me, Religion itself isn’t the enemy, but some clueless practitioners who honestly don’t think Civil Law is applicable to them.

Is Dan Savage nuts or does have a point?

Is Dan Savage nuts or does have a point?

Organized Religion and some within the Catholic Church are the most vocal opponents to real equality for gay, lesbian, bi, trans, and queer folks. Yet they should have no credibility at all. So Dan puts it out there- he is done being lectured… as we all should be. Savage doesn’t attack Faith or believe, rather he identifies and shines a light on the hypocrisy of humans.

November 26, 2013 Comments are Disabled Activism, American Theocracy: Analyzing the Religious Right, general
PA House member, Sims calls for censure over ‘God’s law’ comment, but gets denied..

PA House member, Sims calls for censure over ‘God’s law’ comment, but gets denied..

Our work is to elect individuals who will work for everyone in Pennsylvania without bias for favoring one minority position. Our work is to make our voices heard to our currently elected officials. They need to hear from us- personal letters, phone calls, and meetings. Our work is to be engaged, because it will take all of us to create a better Pennsylvania.

Religious Extremism in Pennsylvania

Religious Extremism in Pennsylvania

Progressives in Pennsylvania seek a stronger presence in government but seem to fail to go after the real enemies of progressive causes here. Let’s be clear about what Religious Extremism looks like. If you mention Sharia Law, it is easy to find most people get nervous, and many conservatives have gone so far as to try and outlaw Sharia Law here in the US, but in reality, what Metcalfe is suggesting is the Christian equivalent to Sharia Law.