Same-Sex Marriage

Indiana Marriage: Nudging Uncontrollable Heterosexuals

In other words, the State of Indiana must control marriage, because if they didn’t, heterosexuals will have sex and make babies by mistake. Since same-sex couples don’t make babies by mistake, they don’t need to get married?

August 27, 2014 Comments are Disabled general, Same-Sex Marriage
Christians and Anti-LGBT Discrimination

Christians and Anti-LGBT Discrimination

Could someone please cite what marriage equality activist ever insisted marriage wouldn’t affect anyone? Because it never happened! No one ever suggested such a thing! What marriage equality activists said then and now, is that allowing same-sex couples the ability to protect their relationships as and their families with civil marriage wouldn’t harm any heterosexual marriage. That’s a really big difference.

Should we seek marriage equality at the ballot box?

Should we seek marriage equality at the ballot box?

Should efforts and resources be spent towards getting marriage equality accepted at the ballot box? Do you think there will be repercussions in the form of more restrictive legislation following a Supreme Court win similar to what happened following Roe v Wade?

August 22, 2014 Comments are Disabled Activism, general, Same-Sex Marriage
Why so many marriage cases?

Why so many marriage cases?

But in reality, we can’t afford to not have same-sex marriage to protect and support the many, many same-sex couples and families that already exist and have been in existence.

August 6, 2014 Comments are Disabled general, Same-Sex Marriage
Why people are homophobes.

Why people are homophobes.

What prompts homophobes to be so vocally horrific and hateful? I think if we understand some of that, we can weather whatever hate they are throwing our way without freaking out so much.

August 3, 2014 Comments are Disabled general, Same-Sex Marriage
Will same sex marriage see our first appeals loss next week?

Will same sex marriage see our first appeals loss next week?

We will most likely not have a decision immediately, but next week, cases for a four states make their way to the Sixth Circuit Appeals where a three judge panel may end in a split decision backing state discrimination against same sex couples.

August 1, 2014 Comments are Disabled general, Same-Sex Marriage
Why anti marriage equality cases will continue to fail.

Why anti marriage equality cases will continue to fail.

Terence Jeffrey has an op ed on The Patriot Post which is a perfect example of why the anti marriage equality movement continues to lose in court case after court case as well as in the general public opinion poll.

August 1, 2014 Comments are Disabled American Theocracy: Analyzing the Religious Right, general, Same-Sex Marriage

Will Christians give their lives to keep traditional marriage?

It is the religious status quo which has made LGBTQ Rights (because of Marriage Equality) the defining issue, and writers like Ball do a disservice by failing to recognize that.

Christie and the GOP “strategy” regarding Marriage Equality.

Christie and the GOP “strategy” regarding Marriage Equality.

This means that the GOP knows it can’t win when it comes to marriage equality, but they are going to use rhetoric about “not giving up the fight” in an effort to keep these folks strongly behind the GOP. In other words, appease the base even though you know it is all over.

July 13, 2014 Comments are Disabled Election, general, Same-Sex Marriage
Homophobe Rhetoric and Fake Democracy

Homophobe Rhetoric and Fake Democracy

Both individuals suggest that the vote of the people trumps all else, which is not the way it works in the United States, no matter how much these homophobes wish it did. We live in a Constitutional Democracy. Here is what is meant by a Constitutional Democracy