Same-Sex Marriage

Is Pennsylvania prepared for Marriage Equality by June?

Is Pennsylvania prepared for Marriage Equality by June?

It is conceivable that a judge could rule before the end of May and Same-sex marriage could be legal in the State of Pennsylvania before the start of June. This move was made possible in part because both sides, the ACLU as well as the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania both agreed to allow the judge to rule based only on the briefs files and without a trial.

April 21, 2014 2 comments general, Same-Sex Marriage
The rationale against gay parents is utter garbage.

The rationale against gay parents is utter garbage.

In their eyes, gay men and lesbian amen are monsters because they don’t look and act like men and women are supposed to look and act, and the fear associated with their inability to control this. In this case, Dutro and her boyfriend beat to death this young boy because they couldn’t control his gender expression.

March 29, 2014 Comments are Disabled general, Same-Sex Marriage
Two Battles for Marriage Equality: Why Michigan Matters.

Two Battles for Marriage Equality: Why Michigan Matters.

Like the Creationists, those who reject Marriage Equality because they believe “traditional marriage” is better for raising healthy children are being forced further and further into the fringe and their ideas seen as fallacious. This is essential so that a final legal/judicial ruling to grant Marriage Equality across the whole of the United States happens based on sound Science and a firm standing in the Constitution. Both will be needed for Marriage Equality to be permanent.

March 23, 2014 Comments are Disabled Activism, Same-Sex Marriage
Bridal Shower Sans Bride

Bridal Shower Sans Bride

For the last person at work who got married, my coworkers held a bridal shower, but in our case there was no bride. So for Brad and me they had a celebration luncheon. Whatever name gets attached, it was a memorable and touching experience. Time after time, as Brad and I move through this journey to being spouses, I am reminded how getting married is far more than a legal recognition of our relationship. We[Read More…]

March 5, 2014 Comments are Disabled general, Getting Married!, Same-Sex Marriage

Why the Public Library

the short version is this: the public library is a foundational institution of freedom. Librarians have been on the front lines protecting privacy and the freedom of expression, assembly, and speech. Libraries serve as a space where many young guys and gals found books and images that helped them come to terms with their own blossoming sexual identity.

March 4, 2014 1 comment general, Getting Married!
Do Olson and Boies belong in other same-sex marriage battles?

Do Olson and Boies belong in other same-sex marriage battles?

The arguments against same-sex marriage are feeble and unjustifiable. A talented legal team is very needed, but it would be a mistake to believe that only these two can make a US Supreme Court win possible.

February 5, 2014 Comments are Disabled general, Same-Sex Marriage
The Grammy’s got married! (Part 2)

The Grammy’s got married! (Part 2)

The error with marriage as identity politics is that we, the gay and lesbian community don’t own it. It isn’t our fight to fight nor we, the only who benefit. It is the continuation of a long line of struggles for real equality- a part of a continuum rather than an isolated effort.

February 1, 2014 1 comment Activism, general, Same-Sex Marriage
The Grammy’s Got Married!

The Grammy’s Got Married!

I can’t believe no one has pointed out how the real big loser front he Grammy’s is Phil Robertson and A&E. While their little controversy garnered some press and internet time (did I really write six posts about it), in the end, it didn’t accomplish anything.

February 1, 2014 1 comment general, Same-Sex Marriage
Rose Parade Gay Marriage Should Piss off LGB TQ Community More Than Duck Dynasty.

Rose Parade Gay Marriage Should Piss off LGB TQ Community More Than Duck Dynasty.

Let’s be honest- this idea is just a new way to hide the fact that some are treating gay male sex as bad and evil. Same-sex marriage is gender neutral but this HIV prevention scam i wall about hating gay male sex or pretending that it is acceptable, only if it fits into an archaic heterosexual model that doesn’t work.

January 3, 2014 1 comment Activism, general, Same-Sex Marriage
The Waite Court (1888)

The “Right to Marry” is NOT one activist judge’s ruling but the law of the land.

The US Supreme Court has ruled 14 times since 1888 about the fundamental right to marriage, yet groups like the National Organization for Marriage claim that one Obama appointed judge is acting in an activist way. Silly, inaccurate and hateful!

December 27, 2013 Comments are Disabled general, Same-Sex Marriage