What Should Equality PA Focus in the Next Five Years?
While it advances an end to discrimination, Equality PA has begun the process of asking, “What’s next?” To answer this important, strategic question, they need your input.
While it advances an end to discrimination, Equality PA has begun the process of asking, “What’s next?” To answer this important, strategic question, they need your input.
The time for full non-discrimination protection for all Pennsylvanians is now.
It is within this history we have to understand and see the structural and overt racism that continues in our modern world. It is against this history that people exclaim “black lives matter.”
Two scholarly papers published concurrently in Science and Cell lay out the foundation for a very promising HIV vaccine.
Heightened Scrutiny, and treating LGBT as a protected class opens the doors for full equality, and such a decision could bed part of the Supreme Courts ration ale in there decision expected before the end of the month.
These are examples of what Pride means, and who “makes” Pride a reality. It is not the organization, but it is the community– the people who are being with each other, and no organization can claim responsibility for that. The community will find a way to “do Pride” regardless of what an organization does or doesn’t do.
People all the time ask what LGBTQ activists ought to work on after marriage is complete and nondiscrimination is done. We have to care more about our youth and end bullying and brutality.
I walked around PrideFest today, and as I did, person after person thanked me for the writing I’ve been doing about the Pittsburgh Pride controversy. I’ve tried to write with clarity and give voice to the issues within the emotions and passionate agendas. I think my own perspective is also present, but I keep hearing that my commentary has been balanced, fair,and informative. Few things make me, the blogger, happier than to have a reader[Read More…]
Pride is all about a conscious effort to examine the status quo and decide where to add your voice for change. For Pittsburgh Pride, in 20125, the issue is complex. Do you support Roots Pride Pittsburgh or the status quo?
The Delta Foundation has another Pride in the Street with a performer who is mostly marketed towards the gay make constituency that Delta doesn’t recognize that they cater to. This is not progress, it is the status quo.