Search Results for "Transgender rights" : 147 results

Gay-Bashing and a Safe Community

But what are the “take home” messages from what happened in Bloomfield (both the beating and the rally), and how do we see continuing benefits for our diverse community and the city as a whole? So here are my take home messages.

May 7, 2010 5 comments Activism, general

Chaplains Fight DADT Repeal

So, if there is an out gay soldier, it doesn’t affect how a chaplain does his or her job, in any way. That chaplain can keep believing whatever they believe, no one is stopping him or her.

April 27, 2010 1 comment general

L+G+B+T: Does it Matter?

The method for dealing with lies and misinformation has to be to counter them by calling out the lies and offering real information instead. L+G+B+T matters when we all raise our voices together against any of the weapons of lies and misinformation directed at any of us individually.

April 27, 2010 3 comments Activism, general

NYC LGBT Center to Defy Hate Vandals

There may be a hundred different things that can be added to this list, but the important point is- do it. Don’t sit back waiting for someone else to do it.

April 25, 2010 1 comment Activism, Gay Pride, general

Hate Crimes, Preaching, and Free Speech

If we talk about gay and lesbian people, we are talking about people- real people. People talking about people. But if we talk about homosexuality, we are talking about something else- and the longer our real lives are labeled and considered as a “something else” we can be treated as outside of the norm, outside the realm that includes all real people.

April 7, 2010 1 comment general

Not Sure What to Make of Health Care Reform

Since the moment, I received a text last evening that the House had approved the Health Care Reform  bills, I’ve been pondering what to write about it. Surfing around the web this morning, I’ve been looking for some hook to pick up on, but haven’t found one that really gets me interested. Seems we are still seeing little more than partisan misinformation from the Conservatives, and little more than jubilation from the Democrats. Historic, Really?[Read More…]

March 22, 2010 Comments are Disabled general
Blogswarm Post: Time to PASS Inclusive ENDA

Blogswarm Post: Time to PASS Inclusive ENDA

Everyday across our country, there are individuals who face losing their job simply because they are LGBT. Everyday, there are individuals who are not hired because someone assumes they might be LGBT, even if they are not.

March 18, 2010 2 comments Activism, general

Time To Say Thanks for PA SB 707

There is one major task left in regards to this bill. We need to say thank-you to those senators who voted to table the bill, and keep the PA Constitution free from discrimination.

March 16, 2010 7 comments Activism, general, Same-Sex Marriage

Who is Winning the Battle for Marriage?

But I think it is the wrong question to get concerned about.Marriage equality is essentially connected to a broader issue: the acceptance of gays and lesbians.

March 10, 2010 1 comment Activism, general, Same-Sex Marriage

Texas crowd cheers Palin’s secession remark

The link below is to the Daily Kos from last week, and is about a speech she gave, but I think there is another story here to consider. So, Sister Sarah tried to use a play on words, to use the Texas secession issue and morph it into a Texas succession theme.  But what happened? The crowd was far more enthusiastic about the idea of secession than suceeding. Really. Think about that for a minute.[Read More…]

February 13, 2010 Comments are Disabled general